Been working on a 1965 Honda CB450 and 1978 CB750 while waiting on parts for other builds. The frame for the 1993 Harley Davidson FXR bobber build is being built in England and will be shipped soon, so I wanted to clear a couple of jobs out of the shop before it arrives. The CB450 is getting a revival with carb rebuilds and filters, new clutch plates, wheel bearings, points, condenser, cables, and the original pipes were reinstalled. The tank was de-rusted inside, new hoses and filters fitted, oil filter cleaned out, and she is running again.
Still have to set the timing and tweak the carbs, but she runs strong! The carb settings and ignition specs were crazy off, but the owner said it was running previously. There were some aftermarket shorty mufflers on when it arrived but a set of used ones were rehabbed to take their place.
Just a chance to show off this fine homebrew tool. Built kind of crudely and quickly, it works just fine removing two different bearing retainers on Honda wheels. This is the rear on the CB450, which got some new bearings.
A 1978 Honda CB750 undergoing some changes.The build was started by the owner Calvin, with a Suzuki SV650 swingarm and rear shock, a new front end and tank. The bike came to me for de-tabbing, rear loop installation, monoshock mount fabrication, and a mount for the seat
Te pile of discard tabs and brackets from the 750. A couple of hundred years from now, someone will be restoring one of these bikes and will wonder why anyone would chop one up. You just would had to have been there.
The rear loop installed and the rear seat mount has been worked out.
The rear frame gussets were preserved and the splices made far enough in to take advantage of the added strength.
John Green rode by on his latest build, a killer Honda XL600 custom tracker. Just beautiful!