There are more pieces that will go on to strengthen the brace, forming a complete box. The attachment points on both frame tubes should spread out the pulling forces and also give the brace the leverage it needs.
Decent welds. Too bad they are inside the brace where they will never be seen.
The frame and oil tank for the 1993 Harley Davidson FXR custom build came in from England. Custom built by Jeremy “Briz” Witt of CCD, it uses the Harley FXR motor/tranny mounts, while giving the appearance of a Harley Softail frame. He has worked out the geometry so that the motor mounts do not get trashed by swingarm flex.
The work on this frame is superb, with beautiful TIG welded joint. CCD will do any rake, stretch or swingarm width you want at no extra charge.
The frame came with an MSO (Manufacturer’s Statement of Origination) and a VIN stamp, so it should be easy to register. The swingarm uses spherical bearings and is as beefy as the rest of the frame.
One last thing. While doing some deep cleaning around here, I came upon a segment of an old Honda ATC70 axle that was rusted and nasty, with a long sleeve covering it and rusted in place. Just like all the crap I save, it has to be proven useful at some time or it is just crap, so…This is the product of some time with the grinder and lathe. Made entirely from scrap, this mandrel will be used in metal forming. Prior to this, I would clamp pieces of rod in the vise, which was less than ideal.
The second mandrel in the background was made from a piece of the same axle.