Started in 2020, this bike came to me as a true basket case. While the engine was in the bike, the pistons were missing and the cylinder and head just laid on top. Coffee cans of disassembled parts were labeled and fairly well organized, but the con
 All bearings, bushings, seals, sprockets, chains, and gaskets were replaced in the engine and tranny. The crank was turned.010” and balanced as an assembly with the pistons. All new cams, followers, and tappet blocks were used. A “half race” cam set
 Ceriani triple trees and forks with a custom headlight mount. The bucket is a Lucas 5 3/4” unit. The fork brace is a Cal-Customs NOS piece.
 The frame was carefully stripped and repaired, replacing missing bungs, and filling some ground areas.
 During mock-up, trying to decide rear shock length to get the stance right. About an inch more should do it.
 A custom oil tank mount that is rubber isolated top and bottom.
 Some really rough hardware after all the cleaning and burnishing. There is a lot that goes into hardware restoration on these builds. As much as possible, correct original parts are used over new or reproduction parts, but in the case of this bike,
 A new side stand bung was brazed on.
 Aluminum parts for the engine are polished.
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